Accueil > Échographie > Échographie pied et cheville > Soleal Sling: A Key Site in Tibial Nerve Entrapment

Soleal Sling: A Key Site in Tibial Nerve Entrapment


The soleal sling is a recognized entrapment site for the tibial nerve, often leading to distal plantar foot pain. Decompressive release of the soleal sling has been increasingly noted for its effectiveness in alleviating this type of foot pain.

Challenges in Diagnosis

Diagnosing entrapment at the soleal sling poses a significant challenge. However, ultrasound examination has emerged as a promising technique. This method provides both static and dynamic imagery of the interaction between the soleal sling and the tibial nerve, enhancing diagnostic accuracy.

Ultrasound Examination: An Accessible Tool

Currently, ultrasound is widely accessible in many physician offices. It stands out as an inexpensive and reproducible method for examining peripheral nerves, including the tibial nerve.

Technique and Benefits

Using the technique described, physicians can achieve direct visualization of the tibial nerve as the foot undergoes dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. This insight is crucial in increasing the reliability of preoperative examinations and enhancing the success rate of soleal sling decompression procedures.


The integration of ultrasound examination in the diagnosis and treatment of tibial nerve entrapment at the soleal sling marks a significant advancement in orthopedic care. It holds the promise of improved outcomes in the treatment of related foot pain.

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